Australian Shepherd Pedigree Search

Neely Ranch Australian Shepherds
If you have pedigree information and would like to add it to our data base,
then please mail a copy of your certified pedigree to:
Neely Ranch, 54505 NW Scofield Rd., Buxton, Or. 97109.

Database is fast approaching 200,000 records.

Please be patient, so many records have been submitted, it will take a while to get new Aussie records added to the database.

We wish to thank the many hundreds of contributers who (over the last eighteen years) have helped to make this data base for Aussies possible.

Please note however, that this data base is free to use as a resource and does not have any membership sign up requirements.. It is not and never will be a complete accounting of all aussies everywhere. The shere magnitude of the Aussie industry worldwide makes maintaining this data base an overwhelming task. This data base is maintained on a voluntary basis only.

If you notice any errors contained herein, please let us know so that we might keep the data base as accurate as possible. Thank you.

It only takes a few simple steps to display your Australian Shepherd pedigree.

Select the number of generations you will want displayed in the pedigree. For most computer printers printing in Landscape mode, 4 generations is the best choice.
Enter the name, or partial name, of the Australian Shepherd Breed to search for.
  • If you use slow search, entering "Clair" will find all Australian Shepherds whose names contain the letters "Clair", including all those containing "Claire" or "Clairedelune". Slow search is more thorough and accurate.
  • If you use fast search, you must provide a full word (not a partial word) for matches to show up; for example, entering "Clair" will find all Australian Shepherds whose names contain the word "Clair" but would not find those whose names contain "Claire" or "Clairedelune". For more successful searches, please use a word longer than 3 letters and omit any 's at the end.
Select which database to use:
Neely Ranch Australian Shepherd database, over 175,000 entries. Last updated July 1, 2005.
Perform fast search by full word.
Perform slow search by partial word, full word, or multiple words.
Click on the "Search Now" button below. This will begin the search. The database is quite large, so do not be alarmed if it takes a minute to see the list of matches.

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